
Saturday 5 September 2015

My Reflection

picture courtesy form google

There is a lot of new thing I had learned through this course. For example, I have learned about Smart School which attempt to be introduced in Malaysia but it doesn’t work here. And also School in Cloud which had introduce by Dr Sugata Mitra. Although the school concept was very new and too ambitious to achieve at this moment but it has become a new chapter in education. I believe that there should be more research in education field to develop and to strengthen our next coming generation.

Besides that, this course also exposed me to a new method in preparing my learning aids. I have learned about how to produce my own games activity such as crosswords, words search and Wardle by just visiting website. Meanwhile, the X-mind programs also teach me to develop concept map easily and attractively. This has improved my knowledge in technologies besides just using the “old school” program such as Microsoft words and Microsoft Power Point.

The most important part is, now I have my own blog. Blogging is a new thing for me, but I believe it’s a good medium to communicate with my students and sharing my knowledge with my fellow friends around the world. Since there is no border in cyber world, this course had exposed me to a Cyber bullies issue too. Since then, it has taught me to be more responsible and to think wise before spread or received any information from internet.

Finally, I would like to thanks Prof Madya Dr Sadiah Baharom for the guidance and advice during the course. May Allah bless you.

Yours truly,

Nor Adilah Mohd Hasnan

My students

These are my students from three classes that i taught  this semester. They are S1T7, F1T7 and B1T3.. I hope that they will succee...