
Monday 31 August 2015

Oh Exam!

Assalamualaikum readers...

Since the exam just around the corner, many students were asking me tips to have a good result in Chemistry. Usually I just give them a simple answer like “hard work”, “practice makes perfect” or “never give up”. But today, i want to share some tips for you. so here we go...

1. Be close to your teacher. “Close” here doesn’t mean that you have to pretend to be a friend  or giving a gift just to make sure they will remember you. “Close” here means you must constantly meet your teacher for a revision or get advices for you subject’s problems.

2. Get a past- year exam papers from the library, seniors or even you teacher. Surely they willing to help you if you willing to ask. 

3. Don't just get the papers, but work with it okey. =)

4. Never offend your teachers by doing something he/she might feel uneasy about it. Seek for forgiveness. 

5. Finally, pray for a smooth journey to success. 

Nothing is easy in our life, there is ups and down, love and hate, win and lose, that the cycle of life. But we have to be brave to face everything, overcome the obstacle and move on. 

So come on, light up your spirit, gear up and speed!. show to the world nothing can stop you. 


My students

These are my students from three classes that i taught  this semester. They are S1T7, F1T7 and B1T3.. I hope that they will succee...